January 4, 2018

Having Sight But No Vision

Wouldn’t we all love to receive a large sum gift card to our favorite store? It’s so exciting knowing there are so many options for what you could buy. You could finally buy those shoes you’ve been eyeing up for the past six months. Or maybe you could get all your christmas shopping done early this year-your friends will thank you later! What if, let’s say, you grab everything you want from that store and are in the check out line ready to pay using your gift card when the cashier swipes it and realizes that it is empty. Dread and embarrassment are the two words that come to mind. It’s kind of a disheartening scenario. Now, let’s bring that same theory to our goals and plans in life. Having sight and being able to physically see the world around you is like having a useless gift card. Maybe you have the possibility to get what you want, but without a key component, your plans won’t be carried out. You need to have a means to achieve your ends. Stepping away from the gift card scenario completely now, the means that will allow us to achieve our goals are visions. Having a vision is seeing the end goal and tracing the path backwards so that you can see every step along the way that will get you to your destination. However, some of the pit stops might be unclear and that is okay. As long as we are able to see the end goal, that should inspire enough passion and persistency to get started on the path to success. Sight is a pleasurable thing in and of itself but it alone won’t get you where you want to go. Sight to goals is like blindness to the eyes.
